♥︎ What and/or where is your home (page)?
♥︎ What website annoyed you recently?
♥︎ Handmade websites: what does it mean to handmake something?
♥︎ Is web-design like fashion design?
♥︎ Where is the sky of a website?
♥︎ If your body is responsive, how would it reflow?
♥︎ How do you access to website differently?
♥︎ If you use the default font family, which one will it be?
♥︎ If you make a collection from the ground, which disply would you like to use? i.e. grid, flex, table, block, and inline..
♥︎ Do you like border radius?
♥︎ If you can change your styling on your message app, what do you want to change?